Goddess Steam.
Yoni steaming is an ancient healing practice, that’s been used by women for centuries.
The feminine body goes through many cycles, and with each transformational cycle, we learn to spiritually reconnect with our wombs. From different experiences we encounter, such as; childbirth, sexual encounters, menstrual cycles, sexual womb trauma, abuse, surgeries, and just generally a disconnect from our wombs, yoni steaming gives us that opportunity to reconnect while practicing sacred womb healing.
Completely organic herbs, free of any harmful pesticides and preservatives. Each yoni steam comes with 4 disposable tea bags and small Rose Quartz healing crystals to add to your steams to add healing properties. An estimate of 4 to 5 steams can be used.
Directions:: Fill your disposable tea bag with the assorted healing herbs, boil as you would a tea, use a sitting stool, or just simply add the tea bag to your bath.
Yoni steaming is an ancient healing practice, that’s been used by women for centuries.
The feminine body goes through many cycles, and with each transformational cycle, we learn to spiritually reconnect with our wombs. From different experiences we encounter, such as; childbirth, sexual encounters, menstrual cycles, sexual womb trauma, abuse, surgeries, and just generally a disconnect from our wombs, yoni steaming gives us that opportunity to reconnect while practicing sacred womb healing.
Completely organic herbs, free of any harmful pesticides and preservatives. Each yoni steam comes with 4 disposable tea bags and small Rose Quartz healing crystals to add to your steams to add healing properties. An estimate of 4 to 5 steams can be used.
Directions:: Fill your disposable tea bag with the assorted healing herbs, boil as you would a tea, use a sitting stool, or just simply add the tea bag to your bath.